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ateia Gipuzkoa

ateia Gipuzkoa-OLT - Freight Forwarders Association, Organization for Logistics and Transpor

In order to promote the professional interests of freight forwarding companies and to offer a guarantee to their clients, the Association was constituted on November 28, 1977, initially called APTEIG, with 7 associated companies.

Today, ateia Gipuzkoa-OLT -Association of Freight Forwarders - Organization for Logistics and Transport-, is composed of 22 associated companies that concentrate an approximate volume of loads of 14 million tons in imports and 16 million tons in exports, a net turnover of about 400 million euros and a volume of direct employment of more than 700 people and another 600 indirectly.

Objectives of the Association

The representation, management, defense and promotion of the common professional interests of its members.

In order to develop this purpose, it primarily develops the following activities:

  • the representation, management, defense and promotion of the economic, social and professional interests common to its members.
  • intervention in labor relations, contributing to the defense and promotion of its own economic and social interests, through actions such as collective bargaining, collective labor disputes, social dialogue and institutional participation in public bodies of the Public Administrations.
  • consequently, the association shall have the character of an employers' organization.
  • cooperation with National and/or International Organizations related to the activity, by means of the corresponding adhesion and collaboration to be determined.
  • the establishment of its own services, of common interest for its members.
  • the administration and disposal of its own resources, whether budgetary or patrimonial, and their application to the purposes and activities of the Association.
  • all other functions of a similar nature deemed necessary or convenient for the fulfillment of its purposes and for the defense of the legitimate interests of its members.

Board of Directors

It is composed of a group of professionals who, in their personal capacity, have been elected by the representatives of the Affiliated Companies, for a period of four years, with the exception of the Secretary and the Legal Advisor, for whom our Internal Regulations provide for different treatment.



D. José Ramón Lecároz

Decoexa representative


D. Iñaki Ugartemendía

Representative of Salvat Logística


D. Gonzalo Cerame

Representative of Schenker Logistics SAU


D. Geoffrey Sterkendries

Representative of Hirutrans Garraioak SL


Dña. María Aizpea Eizaguirre

Representative of Moldans Norte SA


D. Javier Galarza


D. Pablo Olazabal

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